16. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election?



Yes, for both natural and legal persons

Article 92, Sections 2 and 3 (National Assembly), Article 139, Section 3 (municipal proportional), RA Electoral Code, 2021.

Հոդված 92, Մաս 2 և 3 (Ազգային ժողով), Հոդված 139, Մաս 3 (ՏԻՄ համամասնական), ՀՀ Ընտրական Օրենսգիրք, 2021.


During an election, contributions directly to an election campaign fund can be made in addition to the regular annual limits to political parties' operational budgets. These additional allowances are:

National Assembly elections:
Candidates included on the party list: 5,000,000 AMD
Other eligible physical persons: 500,000 AMD

Municipal elections in cities with over 4000 electors (using the proportional party list system):
Candidates included on the party list: 500,000 AMD (1,000,000 AMD for Yerevan elections only)
Other eligible physical persons: 100,000 AMD

Legal persons are not allowed to make campaign contributions at any level.

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