3. Is there a ban on corporate donations to political parties?
Article 7, Political Donations Act (https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=D0020049)
《政治獻金法》第 7 條
Article 7, Political Donations Act
Those who may contribute to political donations are limited to individuals, political parties, civil associations and profit-seeking businesses other than following objects:
1. Public enterprises or the civil enterprises in which the government holds not less than 20% of the capital.
2. Manufacturers that have signed government procurement contract of a large amount or an investment contract of important public construction and are performing the contract.
3. Profit-seeking businesses in accumulative deficit that have not been made up in accordance with relevant provisions.
4. Religious associations.
5. Other political parties or other persons planning to participate in the campaign for the same kind of election. However, this shall not apply to the donations contributed by the parties jointly recommending candidates according to law to the candidates of the same group recommended by them.
6. Persons not having the right of suffrage.
7. Foreign citizens, juridical persons, associations or other institutions; or the juridical persons, associations or other institutions mainly composed of the members of foreign people, juridical persons, associations or other institutions.
8. Citizens, juridical persons, associations or other institutions in the People’s Republic of China, or the juridical persons, associations or other institutions mainly composed of the members of the citizens, juridical persons, associations or other institutions of the PRC.
9. Residents, juridical persons, associations or other institutions in Hong Kong and Macao, or the juridical persons, associations or other institutions mainly composed of the members of residents, juridical persons, associations or other institutions in Hong Kong or Macao.
10. Businesses operated or invested by political parties.
11. Manufacturers that have signed a procurement contract in huge amount with the business operated or invested by the political parties, and are currently performing the contract.