32. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?
Article 22, Law on Political Parties, 2020; Article 80, The Electoral Code, 2020
Shteti lehtëson veprimtarinë e partive politike. Lehtësimi nga shteti i veprimtarisë së partiven politike përfshin fushat si vijon:
a) Partitë kanë të drejtë të përdorin pa shpërblim mjetet e informimit masiv publik në rast fushatash elektorale dhe referendumesh.
The state facilitates the activity of political parties. The facilitation by the state of the activity of political parties includes the following fields:
a) Parties have the right to use, without compensation, the public mass media in the case of electoral campaigns and referenda ; During electoral campaign, the public radio and television shall provide registered political parties and the CEC with free airtime for campaigning.