28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

Article 88, The Electoral Code, 2020; Article 19, The Law on Political Parties, 2020
Political parties participating in elections, which obtained not less than 1% of votes at a national level in the last elections of the same type, shall benefit State budget funds based on the number of votes that each party received in those elections. Funds for this purpose shall be defined in an Assembly decision and comprise a separate budget item in the State Budget of the corresponding electoral year. This fund may not be less than the total amounts distributed to political parties in the previous elections.
Çdo vit në Buxhetin e Shtetit përcaktohet një fond që shërben si ndihmë financiare publike për kryerjen e veprimtarisë vjetore të partive politike. Ndihma financiare e parashikuar në Buxhetin e Shtetit në vitet jozgjedhore, si rregull, nuk mund të jetë më e vogël se ndihma e parashikuar në vitin paraardhës.