Rank-order rules



Electoral law

6. If the (vacant seat of) female member of the Parliament of Georgia was elected by the party list of the party (in single-member constituencies), her place shall be taken within 1 month by a female candidate for membership of the next Parliament of Georgia on the same party list, and if the (vacant seat of) male member of the Parliament of Georgia was elected by the party list … , his seat is taken by the candidate for membership of the next Parliament of Georgia on the same party list within 1 month.

7. If the (vacant seat of) female member of the Parliament of Georgia was elected by the party list (from a single nationwide constituency) and the party list stated that she is a member of one of the political parties united in the electoral bloc, her place is taken within 1 month by the next member … included in the party list of the same electoral bloc by the same party, by a female candidate for membership, and if the (vacant seat of) male member of the Parliament of Georgia was elected by the party list of the electoral bloc and the party list indicated that he is a member of one of the political parties united in the electoral bloc, his place is taken within 1 month by a member of the same party included in the party list of the same electoral bloc … . (Article 203.1)

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