If the EMB uses technology to collect voter registration data, is biometric data captured and used during registration?

Costa Rica
Organic Law of the Supreme Tribunal of Elections and the Civil Registry (1965)
Title IV
Chapter II, Article 75 : ...The identity card must be requested in person, in the forms or by the means provided by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal. The request will be signed by the interested party who, in addition, must print the fingerprint of at least one finger of any of their hands, except for absolute physical impossibility, which will be stated...
Chapter III, Article 91 : …To issue the identity document, the photographs will be taken with mechanical and computerized methods and techniques, according to the requirements established by the Court and the Civil Registry in a timely manner…
Both a photo (see Title IV, Chapter III, Article 91 of the Organic Law of the Supreme Tribunal of Elections and the Civil Registry [OLSTECR]) and a fingerprint scan are taken when citizens register for the identification card which they will need in order to vote (see Title IV, Chapter II, Article 75 of the OLSTECR).