If the EMB uses technology to collect voter registration data, is biometric data captured and used during registration?

Ethiopia, NEBE, The Ethiopian Electoral, Political Parties Registration and Election’s Code of Conduct Proclamation 1162/2019
22. Particulars of the Electoral Roll
The electoral roll shall have columns for entering the following particulars:
1/ Serial number of registrations;
2/ Registration date;
3/ Full name of voter, including grandfather's;
4/ Date and year of birth;
5/ Age;
6/ Gender;
7/ Disability;
8/ Duration of the residence within constituency (months/years);
9/ Signature or fingerprint on the day of registration;
10/ Signature or fingerprint on the day of voting;
11/ House number/village or locality/specific name of the area;
12/ A column to enter special remarks; in this column, a special remark shall be made for a voter who is missing all fingers;
13/ For special polling stations, besides the requirements listed above, a column to enter the voter’s special conditions.
It has to be noted that NEBE collects fingerprints during voter registration; and according to the sources available, this is done without the use of technology.