Electoral system for national legislature

The Republic of Armenia, Constitution 2015, accessed 22 June 2021
Article 89. Composition of the National Assembly and Procedure for the Election Thereto
1. The National Assembly shall be composed of at least one hundred and one Deputies.
2. Representatives of national minorities shall be allocated with seats in the National Assembly under the procedure prescribed by the Electoral Code.
3. The National Assembly shall be elected through proportional electoral system. The Electoral Code shall guarantee formation of stable parliamentary majority. Where stable parliamentary majority is not formed as a result of elections or through formation of a political coalition, a second round of election may be held. In case of holding a second round of elections, the formation of new alliances shall be permitted. The restrictions on, conditions and procedure for formation of political coalition shall be prescribed by the Electoral Code.
ODIHR, Election Observation Mission, Republic of Armenia, Early Parliamentary Elections 20 June 2021, Interim Report (18–31 May 2021), accessed 22 June 2021
“In the upcoming elections, voters will elect a minimum of 101 MPs, through a closed-list proportional system with a single nationwide constituency that replaced the previous two-tier proportional system, in which candidates were elected from a combination of a single national list and 13 open territorial lists. The elimination of the territorial list system has largely been supported by many political and civil society actors. MPs are elected for a five-year term.
In order to qualify for the distribution of mandates, political parties must pass a threshold of five per cent of votes cast, while alliances of two or more political parties are required to obtain at least seven per cent. The law provides for up to four reserved seats in parliament, one for each of the four largest national minorities (Yezidis, Russians, Assyrians and Kurds). Each party or alliance may nominate up to four candidates for each of the four seats reserved for national minorities.”
Note: the texts of the amended Electoral Law cannot be found online; thus we used the OSCE report as a reference.
Closed List PR system with single nationalwide constituency; 5% threshold for parties and 7% for alliances.