Are official election results processed by an electronic tabulation system?




ODIHR, Republic of Albania, Limited Election Observation Mission, Parliamentary Elections, 25 April 2021, Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, accessed 9 May 2021

“The election administration comprises the CEC, 92 Commissions of Electoral Administration Zones (CEAZs), and 5,199 Voting Centre Commissions (VCCs). Counting is held by Counting Teams in 92 Ballot Counting Centres (BCCs), one for each Electoral Administration Zone (EAZ).

IFES, Elections in Albania: 2021 Parliamentary Elections, Frequently Asked Questions, accessed 10 May 2021

“Vote counting and tabulation will be conducted at Electoral Administration Zone Commission (CEAZ) designated Ballot Counting Centers (BCCs). Once voting centers close, voting materials are transported by State Police to BCCs within CEAZ jurisdictions, which is monitored by observers. Counting at those BCCs is conducted in front of observers and security cameras. Each CEAZ will then certify the results and transmit its aggregate table of election results electronically to the Central Election Commission (CEC). The CEAZs submit additional documentation to the CEC.”

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