Is technology used for identifying voters at polling stations (electronic poll books)?



Yes, offline/only access to polling station registration data

ODIHR, Republic of Albania, Limited Election Observation Mission, Parliamentary Elections, 25 April 2021, Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, accessed 9 May 2021

“For the first time, an electronic voter identification system (e-identification) was installed in all VCs on election day to mitigate the risk of double voting, family voting or voter impersonation. Additionally, the devices scan fingerprint, which may be used as evidence in possible complaints. A technical operator, assigned by the CEC for each VC, facilitated the voter identification process.”

IFES, Elections in Albania: 2021 Parliamentary Elections, Frequently Asked Questions, accessed 10 May 2021

“The Central Election Commission (CEC) has adopted decisions and is preparing by-laws with well-defined procedures for receiving, submitting and controlling electoral information on electronic devices to protect their integrity, as well as for processing and controlling election data and information for each device respectively. Information technology devices and equipment are set to offline mode so they cannot be accessed or controlled by anyone outside the network. The only persons who will have access to the equipment and information processing are employees appointed by the CEC and specialists from the contracting operator, Smartmatic. As the system will be in an offline mode, the CEC staff responsible for it will remain onsite to ensure integrity.”

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