If e-voting is currently being used, is it available for all voters or only some groups of voters?



Voters in particular constituencies (see comments)

ODIHR, Republic of Albania, Limited Election Observation Mission, Parliamentary Elections, 25 April 2021, Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions, accessed 9 May 2021

“Electronic voting and ballot counting was piloted in one of the EAZs of Tirana city encompassing 32 voting centres (VCs) with 23,597 registered voters. In these VCs, the voter identification process was technologically separated from voting process to guarantee secrecy of the vote. The CEC organized a  ine-day demonstration of the equipment with access for all interested parties and held a functionality test of the technology three days before election day. However, no independent audit or certification was performed, as it is not prescribed for in the law. The procurement process of voting equipment ended a month before and the configuration of the software a week before election day. Notwithstanding the limited scope of the pilot, the extremely short timeframe did not allow for substantive public discourse and independent scrutiny, including by civil society, both of which are important components for ensuring trust in a new voting technology.”


Electronic voting was conducted only in one of the Electoral Administration Zones of Tirana city encompassing 32 voting centres with 23,597 registered voters.

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