Voting method

- Personal
- Postal
Egypt, National Election Commission, Common questions about postal voting, accessed 24 August 2020
Egypt, See News, “For First Time.. Egyptians Abroad Can Now Vote in Senate Elections via Post” by Gehan Aboella, July 22, 2020, accessed 24 August 2020
Egypt, No. 45/2014 Regulating the Exercise of Political Rights [Non-official translation to English], accessed 24 August 2020
Article (50): Every Egyptian residing abroad shall have the right to cast his/her vote in election or referendums as long as his/her name is registered in the Voter Database and he/she hold a National Identity Card or valid passport indicating the National Identity Number. The Chairman, Members and staff of the Electoral Committees Abroad shall cast their votes in the polling stations where they oversee the election.
Upon consulting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HEC shall issue a decision determining the number of Electoral Committees Abroad and their composition out of an adequate number of diplomatic and consular staff, and one or more titular secretaries for each Committee from among the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The casting of votes shall take place at the premises of the Egyptian Consulate or Diplomatic Mission abroad, or any other premises to be specified by a decision of HEC in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The polling process abroad shall begin before the polling day in Egypt, for period determined by HEC. The polling shall begin daily at 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. according to the time zone of the country where the polling takes place.
At the end of each polling day, the Committee entrusted with overseeing the election or referendum abroad shall take the necessary measures to close the ballot boxes in a manner that ensures the papers are not tampered with, and they shall be kept at a safe location at the Committee headquarters. The Committee shall ensure the ballot boxes are sealed safely before the beginning of the following polling day, and this shall be indicated in the necessary reports.
Upon the end of the polling process, the Elections Committee shall conduct the vote counting and numerical tallying of those who cast their votes, the numbers of valid and invalid votes, and the number of valid votes received by each candidate or opinions expressed in the case of referendums. This shall be indicated in a report to be signed by the Chairperson and Secretary of the Elections Committee.