49. Do candidates have to report on their election campaign finances?




1. Candidates and parties participating in the elections shall submit a declaration on the payments made to their preelection funds and their use to the Control and Audit Service after the start of the pre-election campaign in the 10th, National Assembly, Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor Council of Elders elections on the 20th day. , as well as for summarizing the election results no later than 3 days before the deadline set by this Code. Attached to the declaration are candidates for campaigning through the media of the party participating in the elections, holding pre-election meetings and meetings with voters in the halls, renting areas (except for election headquarters), campaign posters, campaign printing and other materials. In case of holding the second round of elections to the National Assembly, the party participating in the second round shall submit a statement on the payments made to pre election funds and their use to the Control and Audit Service for summarizing the election results no later than 3 days before the deadline set by this Code.
Source: Art. 28.1, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

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