13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?




3. During the elections, the Public Radio and Public Television are obliged to provide non-discriminatory conditions for the candidates and the parties participating in the elections. […]
12. Newspapers and local self-government newspapers and magazines must provide non-discriminatory and nondiscriminatory conditions for candidates and parties participating in the elections during the election campaign.
Source: Art. 20.3, 12, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

1. It is prohibited to conduct pre-election campaign, disseminate any propaganda material, financial, informational means, territories, means of transport, means of transport, material and human resources provided for the implementation of official duties for the purpose of pre-election campaign, except "On Ensuring the Security of Persons Subject to Special State Protection".[…]
Source: Art. 23.1, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

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