18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?

Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

Yes, for both natural and legal persons

(2) The financing of the initiative groups and of the electoral campaigns of the electoral contestants by natural or legal persons shall be carried out in compliance with the following conditions: […]
e) the donation ceilings in the “Electoral Fund” account for an electoral campaign constitute 6 average monthly salaries per economy for the respective year from the natural persons and, respectively, 12 average monthly salaries per economy for the respective year from the legal persons; in the case of citizens of the Republic of Moldova with income obtained abroad, this ceiling may not exceed 3 average monthly salaries per economy for that year; in the case of citizens of the Republic of Moldova with the status of persons with positions of public dignity, of civil servants, including with special status, or of employees in public organizations within the meaning of Law no. 133/2016 on the declaration of wealth and personal interests, this ceiling may not exceed 10% of their annual income, at the same time, may not exceed 6 average monthly salaries per economy for that year.
Source: Art. 41(2), Electoral Code, 1997 (amended 2020)

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the average gross monthly earnings of the national economy in 2019 amounted to MDL 7,356.
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, 02.03.2020, https://statistica.gov.md/newsview.php?l=en&idc=168&id=6597

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