51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




As of the end of the quarter, a political party will draw up a quarterly report on the revenues earned and loans obtained following the list of sources specified in subsection (2) of this section and submit it to the political party funding supervision committee in the required form by the tenth day of the month following the quarter. The report will set out the date specified in subsections (5) and (6) of this section. The report will be published on the website of the political party funding supervision committee. Upon publication of the report on the website of the political party funding supervision committee, the personal identification code specified in subsections (6) and (7) of this section will be replaced by the person’s date of birth.
Source: § 12.1(4), Political Parties Act, 1994 (amended 2014)

Political parties, election coalitions and single candidates submit to the political party funding supervision committee a report on the expenses of the Riigikogu, European Parliament or local authority council election campaign. The report is submitted to the political party funding supervision committee in the required form within one month from the election day. The election campaign report is published on the website of the political party funding supervision committee.
Source: § 12.8(1), Political Parties Act, 1994 (amended 2014)

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