51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




Election Law  nr 9,504, 1997

Lei dos partidos politicos nr 9,096, 1995.


Article 28. (...)Paragraph 4. It is mandatory that political parties, coalitions and candidates disclose on the world wide web (Internet), during the electoral campaign, on August 6th and on September 6th, reports detailing resources in cash or estimated cash amounts that they earned to fund the electoral campaign, as well as campaign expenditures, and such information shall be published in a website to be designed by the Electoral Justice; the names of campaign donors as well as the amounts respectively donated by them shall be informed in the final rendering of accounts referred to in items III and IV of Article 29 of this Law.   - Election Law  nr 9,504, 1997

Article 32. Political parties are required to annually submit to the Electoral Courts the accounting statements for the last fiscal year no later than April 30 of the following year. (...)Paragraph 2 The Electoral Courts hereby determines the immediate publication of the accounting statements in the official press, and, where it does not exist, its affixation to the Electoral Registry Office. Lei dos partidos politicos nr 9,096, 1995.

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