33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

- Share of seats
- Other
Lei das Eleições No. 9.504, de 30 de setembro de 1997
Lei dos Partidos Políticos No. 9.096, de 19 de setembro de 1995 (2009)
Art. 44. Electoral publicity on radio and television shall be limited to the free publicity time defined in this Law, with any placement of paid advertising therefore being forbidden(...)
Art. 47. "The radio, television and pay-TV broadcasters mentioned in Article 57 shall reserve slots during the forty-five days prior to two days before the election for network-wide advertising of the free electoral publicity in the manner prescribed in this article.(...) §2° The time slots reserved for electoral publicity in each election under the previous paragraph shall be distributed among all parties and coalitions that have candidates and representation in the House of Representatives, according to the following criteria: I -one third of the time distributed equally; II -two-thirds, distributed proportionally to the number of representatives in the House of Representatives; for coalitions, consider the sum of the number of representatives of all parties that comprise it(...) Lei das Eleições No. 9.504, de 30 de setembro de 1997
Art. 48. "Parties registered with the Electoral Superior Court that fail to meet the requirements of Article 13 are hereby assured the guarantee of conducting one broadcast in national chain with a duration of 2 minutes." [LPP] Art. 49. "Parties who meet the requirements of Article 13 are hereby assured the following: I -conducting one broadcast on national chain and one broadcast on state chain each semester, lasting twenty minutes each; II -the use of a total of forty minutes per semester for thirty-second or one-minute inserts on national networks and equal time on state broadcasters. Lei dos Partidos Políticos No. 9.096, de 19 de setembro de 1995 (2009)