1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?

Lei dos partidos politicos Law 9,096 , 1995.
Art 5. The actions performed by a political party have a national nature and shall be exercised pursuant to the party´s by-laws and program, not subject to foreign entities or governments.
Art 28. After the matter is adjudged, the Superior Electoral Court orders the cancellation of the civil registration and of the by-laws of a party that: I – received or is receiving financial funds of foreign origin;
Art 31. A political party may not receive contributions, monetary aid or any form of aid with value in currency, be it directly or indirectly or in any form or guise, including through advertising of any kind, if such contributions or aid originate from: Lei 9,504/1997, Article 24: donations forbidden for parties and candidates for election campaigns. I - foreign entities or governments;