58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison

Law no.44 Parliamentary Elections 2017



Article 65: Complaints and criminal prosecution

1.The Commission shall refer the cases of

violation of the provisions of this Chapter to

the competent Public Prosecution Office where

it finds that such violation may be described as

criminal offense.

2.Any person who intentionally commits a

violation shall in accordance with the provisions

of the first paragraph be liable to a term of

imprisonment not exceeding six months and/

or a fine of 50 to 100 million Lebanese pounds,

without prejudice to the penalties of criminal

offenses stipulated in the Penal Code and special

penal laws.

3.The disbursement of prohibited electoral

expenses mentioned in Article 61 of the present

Law shall be considered as bribery under the

Penal Code.

4.The penalties provided for in paragraph (2)

above shall apply to legal persons in accordance

with Article 210 of the Penal Code.

5.Criminal and civil actions relating to offenses

set out in paragraph (2) above shall be dismissed

on grounds of prescription after six months from

the date of publication of the election results.

6.The Constitutional Council’s decisions on

electoral appeals shall have the force of res

judicata that is binding on all judicial and

administrative courts and state departments.

The claim and criminal prosecution shall

be processed based on the decision of the

Constitutional Council.

Article 66: The penalties applicable to balance

sheet violations

1.Candidates who failed to submit the

comprehensive balance sheet provided for in

Article 64 of this Law shall be liable to a fine of

one million Lebanese pounds per day of delay.

The said fine shall be imposed by the Ministry at

the request of the Commission.

2.Candidates who exceed the electoral spending

limit shall be liable to a fine equivalent to three

times the amount in excess of the limit, to be

paid to the Treasury. And the Commission shall

refer the case to the Constitutional Council.

Article 67: The fine

Non-winning candidates who failed to submit

the balance sheet shall be liable to a fine of one

million Lebanese pounds per day of delay to be

imposed by the Ministry pursuant to a report

issued by the Commission.

Non-winning candidates who have exceeded

the electoral spending limit shall be liable to a

fine equivalent to three times the amount in

excess of the limit. "

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