33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?




Law no.44 Parliamentary Elections 2017


Article 73: The obligations of public media


1.A candidate or candidate list may use the

public media outlets free of charge to present

their electoral platform in accordance with the

provisions of this law and the rules established

by the Commission.

2.Each candidate or candidate list wishing

to use this right shall submit a request to the

Commission in writing. The Commission shall

draw up a list of the names of candidates and

candidate lists authorized to use public media


3.The Commission shall prepare a schedule

specifying the dates and conditions for the

distribution of broadcasting times between the

various lists and candidates, while maintaining

balanced broadcasting times, to ensure fair

and equal opportunities for all candidates and

candidate lists.

4.Public media outlets shall commit to

remaining neutral at all stages of the electoral

process. Neither they nor any of their agents

or employees shall carry out any activity that

may be construed as supporting a candidate

or candidate list at the expense of another

candidate or candidate list.

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