39. Are there limits on the amount a political party can spend?

The Ethiopian Electoral and Political Parties Proclamation No…/2019
105. Books of Account of Political Party
1) Anypoliticalparty:
shall deposit the support granted by government with a local bank using a
separate account;
may not expend outside the allowed expenditure and shall transact the account
according to the law;
shall keep the granted support in specific books of account by listing under every
expenditure heading;
shall submit audit report certified by auditor or financial expert, according to
finance law, specifying the amount granted by the government in the budget year
and the particulars for which the money has been expended.
The auditor or financial expert shall forward his comment in the audit report as to whether the account audited by him has been expended outside the scope of the law and
The Federal Auditor General may at any time inspect political parties concerning the
utilization of the government support funds.