19. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate, what is the limit?



Regular limits apply for presidential elections. For parliamentary and local elections, the total amount of private sources of financing cannot exceed 30 times the amount of public funding allocated to a given political entity.

For presidential elections:

"The total value of the payment and contribution of an individual or entrepreneur for financing the election campaign may not exceed EUR 5,000, while the total value of payment and contribution of a legal entity or company for financing the election campaign may not exceed the amount of EUR 20,000."

Article 29, Law on Financing Political Entities and Election Campaigns, 2014 - last amended on December 27, 2019.

For parliamentary and local elections: 

"The amount of financial resources from private sources that a political entity acquires to finance the election campaign costs for the election of MPs and councillors may not exceed thirty times the amount of financial resources belonging to it within the meaning of Article 20 (2) of this Law."

Article 23(2), Law on Financing Political Entities and Election Campaigns, 2014 - last amended on December 27, 2019.

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