34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?




Subsection 345(1): "In the period beginning on the issue of the writs for a general election and ending at midnight on the day before polling day at that election, every network operator shall, subject to the regulations made under the Broadcasting Act and to the conditions of its licence, make available, at no cost, to the registered parties and eligible parties referred to in subsection (2), for the transmission of political announcements and other programming produced by or on behalf of those parties broadcasting time as determined under that subsection if the network formed and operated by the network operator (a) reaches a majority of Canadians whose mother tongue is the same as that in which the network broadcasts; (b) is licensed with respect to more than a particular series of programs or type of programming; and (c) does not involve a distribution undertaking as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Broadcasting Act."

(Canada Elections Act, 2000 - last amended on June 13, 2019).


Only to political parties. 

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