28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?



Yes, both regularly and in relation to campaigns

"Political parties participating in the elections, which have received no less than 0.5 per cent of votes nationwide, are entitled to State Budget funds, based on the number of votes of each party in those elections. This fund is determined through a decision of the Assembly and comprises a separate item in the State Budget for the respective electoral year. This fund may not be lower than the aggregate sum allocated to political parties in the previous elections".  Source: Article 87, The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania, 2015. 

"The fund defined through a decision of the Assembly, according to point 1 of article 87, is given in advance to the parties that are registered as electoral subjects as follows:
a) 95 per cent of the fund is distributed to the political parties registered as electoral subjects, which have received no less than 0.5 per cent of the valid votes in
the previous elections;
b) 5 per cent of the fund is distributed to the political parties registered as electoral subjects and do not profit according to letter “a” of this article".  Source : Article 87/2, The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania, 2015. 

"A fund which shall serve as public financial aid for the annual activities of political parties shall be allocated each year in the State Budget. The financial aid foreseen in the state budget during non-electoral years, as a rule, shall not be less than the aid foreseen in the preceding year".  Source: Article 19, The Law on Political Parties, 2017

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