27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?




"Each electoral subject must register the amount of funds received for each natural or legal person, as well as other data related to the clear identification of the donor, in a special register which is approved as a template by a CEC decision. At the moment of donation, the donor signs a declaration affirming that none of the circumstances specified in article 89 applies to him/her and that he/she bears personal responsibility for false declaration. The form and content of the declaration is approved by the CEC and its signing is obligatory for all donations.
2. Non-public funds exceeding ALL 100,000 shall be donated only through a special bank account of the electoral subject. The finance officer of the electoral subject declares the number of the bank account opened for this purpose no later than three days from the start of the electoral campaign. The bank account number for each political subject shall be published on the official website of the CEC".   Source : Article 90, The Electoral Code, 2015. 

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