20. Is there a limit on the amount a candidate can contribute to their own election campaign?



Yes, donation limit for private persons apply

"An electoral subject ( candidate) may use its own financial sources for campaign. The candidate, the same as any other allowed donator , may donate the maximum amount of ALL 1 million ( cash or in-kind donations). Every donation by the candidate that exceeds this limit is prohibited".  Source : Guideline for the financial reporting manners by candidates for local elections, CEC, 2019.


" The sources for financing the campaign of electoral subjects are the following: advanced funds given by the State Budget for the political parties registered as electoral subjects; income generated by the electoral subject itself, in accordance with the legislation in force; gifts in monetary value, in kind or services rendered, according to Article 89 of this Code; loans taken by the political parties in accordance with the law". Source: Article 87/1, The Electoral Code, 2015 

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