11. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to political parties?




 "Donation of funds by a legal person or any of its shareholders is prohibited if one of the following conditions applies: a) has received public funds, public contracts or concessions in the last 2 years, exceeding ALL 10 million ; b) exercises media activity; c) has been a partner with public funds in different projects; d) has monetary obligations towards the state budget or any public institution. This obligation is not applicable if the shareholder owns these shares as a result of a public offer". Source: Article 89, Electoral Code, 2015

" Financial assistance and material from foreign public or private entities and from government is prohibited, or from Albanian public entities or those with the participation of state capital". Source : Article 21, Law on Political Parties, Law no.8580 dated 17 February 2000, updated as of 22 May 2017. 

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