1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?




" Financial assistance and material from foreign public or private entities and from government is prohibited, or from Albanian public entities or those with the participation of state capital". Source : Article 21, Law on Political Parties, Law no.8580 dated 17 February 2000, updated as of 22 May 2017. 

" Electoral subjects may receive funds for the purposes of their electoral campaigns only from domestic natural or legal persons. For the purposes of this Code, an Albanian citizen who resides outside the territory of the Republic of Albania shall also be considered a domestic natural person".  Source : Article 89, Electoral Code, Approved by Law no. 10019, dated 29 December 2008, Amended by Law no. 74/2012 dated 19 July 2012 and Law no. 31/2015 dated 2 April 2015. 

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