33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

- Equal
- Number of candidates
§ 1. Time allocated for broadcasting election programs referred to in art. 252 § 2 item 1, is divided equally among the electoral committees on the basis of information from the National Electoral Commission on electoral committees that have registered their lists of candidates in at least half of the constituencies.
§ 2. Time allocated to broadcasting election programs referred to in art. 252 § 2 point 2, is divided among authorized election committees in proportion to the number of candidates registered by them, on the basis of information from constituency electoral commissions, relevant for the area covered by the regional program, about registered lists of candidates.
Source: Article 253 § 1-2, Election Code, 2011 (amended 2019)
For parliamentary elections time allocated for broadcasting election programs in nationwide public media is divided equally among the electoral committees that have registered their lists of candidates in at least half of the constituencies. In regional public media, time is divided among authorized election committees in proportion to the number of lists of candidates registered by them. Similar rules apply to other types of elections.