27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?




5. One-off payment of an amount exceeding the minimum wage, determined on the basis of separate provisions, in force on the day preceding the payment, may be made to the political party only by a settlement check, bank transfer or payment card.
Source: Article 25.5, Law on Political Parties,1997 (consolidated text 2018)

§ 5. Financial resources may be paid to the election committee only by means of a settlement check, bank transfer or payment card.
Source: Article 134 § 5, Election Code, 2011 (amended 2019)


Donation to the political party in an amount lower than the minimum wage (PLN 2,600 in 2020 - approx. EUR 600) do not have to go through the banking system. Other donations to the political parties and all donations to the election committeea have to go through the banking system.

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