58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Forfeiture
  • Loss of elected office

Art. 49 A’ fine of not less than ten thousand pounds and not more than five hundred thousand pounds shall be imposed in the following cases:1. Whoever spends on the electoral campaign any amounts others than those deposited in the bank account referred to in Article (23) of this Law, or spends the deposited amounts in the said bank account for non-electoral campaign purposes.2. Whoever exceeds the prescribed ceiling amount for expenditure in the electoral campaign’

'Art. 56 'A fine of not less than ten thousand pounds and not exceeding two hundred thousands pounds, or either penalty shall be imposed on whoever violates the provisions of Article 24 of this law, together with the confiscation of the received donations.'

Article 68 'Whoever commits any of the following acts shall be punishable by a fine of no less than ten thousand pounds and no more than one hundred thousand pounds:I- Violation of the periods established under Articles (24) and (30) or under the third clause of the fifth paragraph of Article (37) of this Law.II- Spending funds in electoral campaigning which are not recorded in the bank account determined by HEC.III- Electoral campaigning in violation of the regulations contained in Article (31) of this law.IV- Violation of the prohibition prescribed in Article (34) of this Law. The Court may rule  in addition to the fine to remove the offender from his/her position for a period of five years, if his/her act influenced the result of the elections. V- Accepting a donation higher than the amount prescribed in Article (26) of this Law. The court shall rule that the funds in excess of that amount be confiscated.

Article 69 ‘Whoever commits an act violating the provisions of Article (35) of this Law shall be punishable by imprisonment and a fine of no less than one hundred thousand pounds and no more than one million pounds. The court shall rule that the funds involved in the crime be confiscated.'

Source:  Presidential Decision No. 22/2014

Art. 25. 'If any officials in political parties, any of the party members or staff accept or directly receive money or advantages without any legal right from Egyptians to implement or practice any activity related to the party, the punishment is imprisonment. Imprisonment also takes place if money or benefits are from foreigners or any foreign bodies. In any cases the court requests to confiscate property derived from crime.'

Source Law No. 40 of the year 1977

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