48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances?




Organic Law No. 16 of 2014 of May 26, 2014, on Elections and Referenda as revised and completed by Organic Law No. 7 of 2017 dated February 14, 2017, and The Basic Law No. 76 of 2019 dated August 30, 2019,  Article 86:


Each candidate, candidate list or party should:


  • Provide original copies of the lists provided for in articles 83 and 84, the accounts of each constituency, and the comprehensive accounts to the Court of Auditors within forty five days of the date of the final announcement of the results of the elections, accompanied by the bank statement for the single account opened under the name of the campaign;


  • Submit all these documents at once to the General Secretariat of the Court of Auditors or to the Secretariat of one of its territorially-competent organs, in exchange for a receipt.
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