20. Is there a limit on the amount a candidate can contribute to their own election campaign?



Yes, specific limit for candidates

Organic Law No. 16 of 2014 of May 26, 2014, on Elections and Referenda as revised and completed by Organic Law No. 7 of 2017 dated February 14, 2017, and The Basic Law No. 76 of 2019 dated August 30, 2019,
Article 78: The Court of Auditors shall determine for each candidate and each candidate list the amount of election expenses to be deducted in calculating the amount of the public compensation due.

In any case, the amount of the public indemnity cannot exceed the amount of the self- financing of the candidate or the candidate list. It must not also be greater than the value of the overall ceiling of expenditure mentioned in Article 81 of this law.


Article 81


The ceiling for overall spending on electoral campaigns or referendum campaigns, the ceiling for private funding, and the ceiling and requirements for public funding are set on the basis of criteria that particularly include the size of the constituency, the number of voters and cost of living, pursuant to government decrees upon consultation with the Authority.

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