Electoral system family

Cameroon, Electoral Code (2012), accessed 10 February 2020
Section 152.-(1) Members of Parliament shall be elected through a mixed single round ballot, comprising a majority system and a proportional representation system.
(2) However, in constituencies having only one seat, there shall be a majority uninominal voting for a single candidate.
(3) After the ballot:
- In single member constituencies, the candidate with a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected ; should there be a tie, the eldest candidate shall be declared elected;
- In constituencies where the list system is applicable:
- the list that obtains an absolute majority of the votes cast shall win all the seats available;
- if no list obtains an absolute majority of the votes cast, the seats shall be shared as follows:
* the list with the highest number of votes shall be allocated half of the seats rounded off, if need be, to the nearest whole number above ; where there is a tie between 2 (two) or more lists, the number of seats rounded off to the nearest whole number above shall be allocated to the list with the highest average age;
* the remaining seats shall be allocated to the other lists through the application of proportional representation to the lists with the highest votes ; where there is a tie in the number of votes, the seat(s) shall be allocated to the list with the highest average age.
(4) Lists which obtain less than 5 % of the votes cast in the constituency concerned shall not be eligible for the proportional distribution of seats.
(5) Seats shall be allocated to candidates in the order in which they appear on each list.