33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

"Under Section 79A of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983, the ABC may determine to what extent and in what manner it will broadcast political matter. The Government and the official Opposition in an outgoing Federal, State or Territory Parliament or Assembly are granted equal time by the ABC for election broadcasts within the relevant jurisdiction during election campaigns. When political parties are in coalition, either as a Government or as the official Opposition, the ABC will provide an equal allocation of time to the Government and to the official Opposition, leaving it to the parties which are in coalition to divide the time between them as they see fit." The ABC Board also determines criteria for 'eligible minor parties' to access 'free election broadcast time'.
Source:Allocation of free broadcasting time to political parties during election periods. Policy Statement Australian Broadcasting Commission October 2014 http://about.abc.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/FreeTimeElectionBroadcastsPolicySep2014POL.pdf