If the EMB uses technology to collect voter registration data, is biometric data captured and used during registration?

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, Election Commission, Procedure of Registration of Electors, accessed 8 December 2019
Registration of electors under the Registration of Electors Act No 44 of 1980
“Registration of electors and the revision of the electoral register are carried out annually. The Commission appoints District Secretaries / Government Agents of each district as Registration Officers, and the Deputy/ Senior Assistant/ Assistant Commissioners of election (Assistant Registration Officers) operate and administer the revision under their supervision. Registration Officer appoints Enumeration Officers to visit house to house and collect information. Householders are expected to fill the enumeration form (BC form) correctly. The Grama Niladhari, the state officer at the village level, carries out the enumeration and special enumerators are appointed to the urban areas (eg. Colombo and Negombo Municipal areas) where the enumeration is complex. Special enumerators are government officers serving in various government departments. All Sri Lanka citizens who are not subject to any disqualifications mentioned above and who have completed 18 years of age on the 1st of June of the relevant year, are eligible to be registered as electors.”
See also:
Sri Lanka, Government Information Centre, Process of Registration / Revision of Electoral Registers, accessed 8 December 2019