Voting method

- Personal
- Postal
Republic Act No. 9189 / The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 13 February 2003, amended by Republic Act No. 10590 27 May 2013.
SEC. 23. A new Section 23 of the same Act is hereby inserted to read as follows:
"SEC. 23. Voting. - Voting may be done either personally, by mail or by any other means as may be determined by the Commission. For this purpose, the Commission shall issue the necessary guidelines on the manner and procedures of voting.
"The OFOV, in consultation with the DFA-OVS, shall determine the countries where voting shall be done by any specific mode, taking into consideration the minimum criteria enumerated under this Act which shall include the number of registered voters, accessibility of the posts, efficiency of the host country's applied system and such other circumstances that may affect the conduct of voting.
"The Commission shall announce the specific mode of voting per country/post at least one hundred twenty (120) days before the start of the voting period."
No methods of voting other than personal and postal have been allowed during 2022 General Elections.