If electoral register is created by the EMB, which method is used?

United States

United States

A continuous register (voter data is continuously collected and updated between electoral events)

United States of America, Mid-Term Congressional Elections 6 November 2018, ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission [Final Report], accessed 16 February 2019

“Voter registration is active and implemented at state level, with minimum conditions set by HAVA and NVRA. There is no centralized voter register. […] In line with the law, registration of voters was open until at least 7 October. In many states, the process continued after that date, allowing later registration for absentee and early voting. Voters could register in person, by post, or through an authorized third party. States are required to make their driver license application form also serve as a voter registration application, while the EAC is mandated to provide a federal postal registration form that states must accept. HAVA requires first-time voters that register by post to provide proof of identity. Numerous state and nationwide associations and groups played an active role in registering new voters.

Seventeen states allowed same-day voter registration before and on election day, while North Dakota did not require any registration. Proof of citizenship was not required to register in federal elections. States are required to co-ordinate and match their voter registration databases with state and federal databases, but laws and procedures for maintaining voter lists vary.

Several initiatives were undertaken to facilitate voter registration, in line with prior ODIHR recommendations. Online registration was used in 37 states, while automatic registration was provided in 10 states.”

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