If electoral register is created by the EMB, what type of technology used for collecting registration data?



Digital voter registration kits/computers, online connected to central database

Election Commission of Bhutan: Instruction for Production and Issuance of Electoral Rolls and Voter Photo Identity Cards (VPIC) (2018), accessed 29 October 2018

2. Bhutan Electoral Roll Management System (BERMS)

2.1 The Department of Electoral Registration & Delimitation and ICT Division shall maintain a dynamic web-based Electoral Roll management system called the Bhutan Electoral Roll Management System (BERMS).

2.2 The BERMS shall have a web-based interface with each Dzongkhag Electoral Office for registration, entry, update of voter status, update of voter details, cross-checking or verification of details of Voters.

2.3 The Department of Electoral Registration& Delimitation and ICT Division shall be responsible to maintain the BERMS and make it accessible for entry, cross-checking and verification of details of voters across the nation at all times and is convenient for a registered voter to check his/her status of voter registration on the ECB website, either by entering his/her VPIC number/Citizenship Identity Card number.

2.4 Each Dzongkhag Electoral Registration Officer shall be provided with a login user name and password to enable him/her to add, edit, and delete voter data, live and online, on the BERMS. 2.5 The BERMS shall provide a Dzongkhag Electoral Registration Officer an easy access to every basic data and images of the voters required for the preparation of the Electoral Rolls, Voters’ Lists and the production of the VPICs.

2.6 The Department of Electoral Registration and Delimitation shall be fully responsible to ensure that the BERMS is updated within a reasonable period and complete with a web-based interface in every Dzongkhag.

2.7 The Department of Electoral Registration and Delimitation shall maintain a proper understanding and system with the Department of Civil Registration and Census of the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs to share civil registry data periodically through the mutually agreed medium, whenever updated next to facilitate referencing and updating of the Electoral Roll and for issuance of VPICs.

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