Is technology used for identifying voters at polling stations (electronic poll books)?




COMELEC, Omnibus Election Code, 03 December 1985, accessed 30 September 2018

Sec. 194. Manner of obtaining ballots. - The voter shall approach the chairman and shall give his name and address together with other data concerning his person. In case any member of the board of election inspectors doubts the identity of the voter, the board of election inspectors shall check his voter's identification card or, if he does not have any, the board of election inspectors shall refer to his photograph and signature in the voter's application for registration. If the board of election inspectors is satisfied with his identity, the chairman shall distinctly announce the voter's name in a tone loud enough to be plainly heard throughout the polling place. If such voter has not been challenged, or if having been challenged, the question has been decided in his favor, the voter shall forthwith affix his signature in the proper space in the voting record, and the chairman shall, after first entering the number of the ballot in the corresponding space of the voting record, deliver to the voter one ballot correctly folded. No person other than the chairman shall deliver official ballots nor shall more than one ballot be delivered at one time.

The Carter Center, Limited Election Observation Mission to the Philippines, June 2016 Statement, accessed 30 September 2018


Election Code and EOM report does not mention the use of electronic poll books.

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