If electoral register is created by the EMB, what type of technology used for collecting registration data?



Digital voter registration kits/computers, off-line

COMELEC, Resolution No. 10166, 25 October 2016, Resumption of the System Of Continuing Registration of Voters, accessed 30 September 2018

Sec. 8. - Procedure for Filing of Applications: - In addition to the personal filing of applications and mandatory biometrics data capturing under Resolution No. 9853, the Voters Registration Machine (VRM) Operator shall perform the following procedures:

A) For KK applicants, fifteen [15] to seventeen [17] years of age:

a) Log in into the Voter's Registration System (VRS).

b) Click FILE Menu then click REGISTRATION.

c) Perform the regular encoding of demographics and capturing of biometrics in the VRS.

B) For applicants eighteen (18) and above, the usual procedures in the conduct of registration of regular voters shall be observed, subject to the extraction of registration records for those eighteen (18) to thirty (30) years old under Section 19 of this Resolution.

Sec. 9. Applicants' Database (Comelec Folder) - During the registration period, the EO shall submit to the Information Technology Department (ITD), a monthly backup of the applicants' database (VRS Comelec folder), on or before the 5th day of the succeeding month, for purposes of the implementation of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) Matching.


COMELEC uses several methods of voter registration (see Resolution No. 10166).

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