58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Forfeiture

"(9) A person who commits an offence under subsection (8) is liable on conviction—
(a) in the case of an offence under subsection (4), to a fine not exceeding one hundred and twenty currency points or imprisonment not exceeding five years or both; and
(b) in any other case, to a fine not exceeding seventy two currency points or imprisonment not exceeding three years or both."

(Section 22(9), Presidential Elections Act, 2005).

"(9) Any political party or organisation which contravenes this section (i.e. Restriction on contributions from foreign sources), commits an offence; and any member of the executive committee of the political party or organisation who contributes in any way to the contravention also commits an offence, and is liable-

a) in the case of a political party or organisation, to a fine not exceeding seventy two currency points; or

b) in the case of a member of the executive committee of the political party or organisation, to a fine not exceeding seventy two currency points or imprisonment not exceeding three years or both.

(10) Without prejudice to any other penalty imposed by the court under this Act any money or other assistance, obtained by a political party or organisation contrary to this section shall be forfeited to the State by order of the court which convicts any person of a contravention of this section."

(Section 14, the Political Parties and Organisations Act, 2005). 

"(1) Where a political party or organisation does not comply with the provisions of this Act, the Electoral Commission may by writing require compliance; and if the political party or organisation persists in non-compliance, the Electoral Commission may apply to the High Court for an order winding up the political party or organisation.

(2) In any case, a political party or organisation convicted -

a) of an offence under section 14; or

b)of any other offence under this Act more than three times,

the Electoral Commission shall apply to the High Court for an order to de-register the political party or organisation and the High Court shall make such order as may be just for the disposition of the property, assets, rights and liabilities of the political party or organisation."

(Section 21(1&2), the Political Parties and Organisations Act, 2005). 

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