Is technology used for identifying voters at polling stations (electronic poll books)?



Yes, offline/only access to polling station registration data

Albania, Electoral Code (Law no. 10 019, 29 December 2008, last amended in 2 April 2015), accessed 17 September 2018

Article 105. Presentation of voters at the voting centre

1. After entering the voting centre:

a) the voter states the name and presents to the VCC one of the following official valid identity documents bearing biometric data:

i) identity card; or

ii) passport; […]

c) after verifying that the data about the identity of the voter correspond to those on the voter list and that the voter is the same as the person on the identity document, the Chair records the type and serial number of the identity document on the voter list and draws a line through the name of the voter on this list;

ç) the voter signs the voter list next to his/her name; […]


Section 1 – Scope

1. An electronic integrated system for the verification and registration of voter participation on the voting day (EVS) is established in order to verify and register the participation of voters on the voting date. The technical solution shall integrate all the necessary elements, including equipment, programmes, respective licenses or certificates to guarantee a secure and easy use.

2. Technical characteristics of the system, equipment, procedures for the functioning of the technology, form of communication with the central computer unit, reporting format, form of distribution, delivery, administration of the device in the voting centre and the entry of data from the voting centre devices into the CEC, system administration rules, as well as every issue related to the use of the EVS, are specified by a normative act of the CEC. […]

Section 2 – Voter Verification and Registration Electronic System (EVS)

1. The Electronic System for the Verification and registration of voter participation on the voting day (EVS) consists of:

a) the central computer unit installed at the CEC;

b) the entirety of equipment used for electronic reading of the content of the identification document, used at the voting centre; and

c) any technical device or programme related to them.

2. The device used in the voting centre functions in an independent manner from the central unit, reading the content of the identification document with biometric data. The technical criteria and procedures are specified in the normative act of the CEC.

Section 5 – Procedures at the voting centre

1. Following the procedures on voter presentation at the voting centre specified in article 105 of this Code, and immediately after the performance of the actions specified in letter “c” of point 1 of article 105, the VCC Chair identifies the voter through the identification document, finds the name on the voter list, and hands over the identification document to the person in charge of reading and registering it through the electronic device. The person in charge places the respective identification document on the reading device for reading the data of the identification document. A voter is allowed to vote only after the identification document is registered.

2. In cases when the device does not work, as specified in point 3 of Section 3 of this Annex to the Code, voting starts and/or is conducted without interruption, regardless of the device’s failure, and the voter is allowed to vote regularly and without any obstacle. 

3. The VCC and the technical staff are responsible for fulfilling this obligation. The technical staff take full legal responsibility for administering the device and for registering every identification document on the device.

4. For purposes of letter “a” of point 1 of article 113 of this Code, on determining the number of voters who have voted, this figure is determined based on the number of documents read by the reading device in the voting centre. When the device has not worked, as specified in point 3 of Section 3 of this Annex, the number of voters is determined based on the number of signatures on the voter list. The Record of the Closing of the Polls, in addition to the VCC members, is signed also by the EVS technical staff.

5. The actions of the technical staff before, during and after the voting process are specified in the normative act of the CEC.



Reading the Section 2.2 of the Annex III of the Electoral Code, it can be assumed that the system works offline. 

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