51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




"A candidate shall report Sthe tate Comptroller of any contribution received from a donor and any contribution that he has returned to the donor within 14 days from the day he received or refunded the donation. However, during the period starting on the 14th day before the day of the primaries and ending on the 4th day after the primaroes, the candidate should report no later than 24 hours from the date of the receipt or return of the contribution. The State Comptroller shall publish the information as stated in this subsection upon its receipt."

Source: Article 28u(a), Parties Law, 1992.

"A party group that has a website will publish, within seven days from the day it received a donation equal to at least 1,000 NIS or more, the name of the donor, his place of residence and the amount of the donation... A party group shall publish in Reshumot within 30 days from the end of the month in whichTte election results were published, the details of each donation worth at least 1,000 NIS or more."

Source: Articles 35-36, State Comptroller Guidlines according to Party Financing Law Concerning Managing the Financial Affairs of a Party Parliamentary Group, 2009.

"a) Within 16 weeks from the date on which the election results are published, the representatives of a party group or candidate list shall submit to the State Comptroller their accounts for the election period ... b) Within 22 weeks after receiving the accounts mentioned in subsection (a), the State Comptroller shall deliver to the Chairman of the Knesset an account of the audit results.... c) No later than May 1, after the end of each financial year, the representatives of a party group or list of candidates shall submit to the State Comptroller their accounts for that year...d) No later than October 1 each year, the State Comptroller shall submit to the Chairman of the Knesset a report on the results of the audits of the accounts mentioned in subsection (c)."

Source: Article 10(a-d), Parties Financing Law, 1973.

"28v(a)(1) A candidate shall submit to the State Comptroller, no later than six weeks after the date of the pimariesr a financial report on his income and expenses due to the preliminary elections ... 28x(a) Within 12 weeks of the last date under section 28 for submission of reports, the State Comptroller shall submit to the Chairman of the Knesset, the Parties Registrar and the Party's Audit Institute a report on the audit of the party's electoral system in the primaries."

Source: Article 28v(a)(1)-28x(a), Parties Law, 1992.


Information on contributions to parties or candidates, which appears in the reports they submit, must be published according to the law. In addition, the State Comptroller must hand over - to the Chairman of the Knesset and other officials - a report that examines the parties financial information. There is no requirement to make the State Comptroller's reports public, but in fact all of them are published on its website. In addition, many of the reports submitted by the parties themselves (possibly all reports submitted) are also published in the website of the Parties Registrar.

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