49. Do candidates have to report on their election campaign finances?




"A candidate shall report Sthe tate Comptroller of any contribution received from a donor and any contribution that he has returned to the donor within 14 days from the day he received or refunded the donation. However, during the period starting on the 14th day before the day of the primaries and ending on the 4th day after the primaroes, the candidate should report no later than 24 hours from the date of the receipt or return of the contribution."

Source: Article 28u(a), Parties Law, 1992.

"A candidate shall submit to the State Comptroller, no later than six weeks after the date of the primaries, a financial report on his income and expenses due to the primaries and the assets and liabilities for these elections."

Source: Article 28v(a)(1), Parties Law, 1992.


Candidates have to report to the State Comptroller on donations shortly after a donations was made, and in addition to submit a report after the primaries.

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