If the EMB uses technology to collect voter registration data, is biometric data captured and used during registration?

Sierra Leone
“There shall be a National Voters Register containing a voter’s name, date and place of birth, current address; sex, signature, thumbprints and other details. The Electoral Commission has authority to reproduce, keep, modify the format, content and design of the Voters register. The voters register is to be the final evidence of the right to vote.”
The National Civil Registration Act 2016
25. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law relating to data protection, the Director-General shall provide information in relation to births, adoptions, deaths, marriages, divorces or nullities registered under this Act to – […] (b) the National Electoral Commission for the purpose of getting an updated register of voters for the conduct of public elections and referenda; […]
38. (1) The Integrated National Civil Registration System shall have automated databases which shall contain- […] (c) biometric data of individuals including face, fingerprint, blood group, eye colour, height, etc. […]
See also: NEC voter registration steps 2017 simplified version