2. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to candidates?




Art. 16. "(2) Natural or legal person intending to participate in the election campaign without the knowledge of the respective political party, political movement or coalition standing for election, their candidate or an independent candidate, shall be obliged, before entering the election campaign, to register as a third person at the Office for the Oversight of Financing of Political Parties and Movements (hereinafter referred to as the “Office for Oversight”) established pursuant to law regulating the association in political parties and political movements."

Art. 16e. "(1) For the purpose of this Act, a registered third person shall mean any natural or legal person registered as such in a special register kept by the Office for Oversight.

(2) For the purpose of this Act, the following entities may not become registered third persons: ... i) foreign legal person; j) natural person who is not a citizen of the Czech Republic; this shall not apply to persons with the right to vote in the territory of the Czech Republic in elections to the European Parliament..."

Source: Articles 16(2) and 16e, Act No. 247/1995 on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic and on the Amendment of Certain Other Laws​, 1995


Although there is no clear indication on the Act No. 247/1995 on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic about the ban on donations from foreign interests to the candidates, there are clear provisions about this issue when referind to the donations made by third parties. On the other hand, the Act No. 275/2012 on the Election of the President of the Republic do not contain any provisions on this regard.

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