33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Sri Lanka
Parliament Elections Act, No. 1 of 1981, Art. 126
(1) Every recognized political party or independent group which has submitted a nomination paper in respect of any electoral district shall, subject to such conditions as may be determined by the Director-General of Broadcasting, be entitled, upon application made in that behalf within one week from the last day of the nomination period, to the use of broadcasting facilities during the period commencing from the day after the last day fixed for making such application and ending seventy-two hours prior to the commencement of the poll. (2) In the allocation of broadcasting time during the period referred to in subsection (1) to any recognized political party or independent group which makes an application in that behalf, the Director-General of Broadcasting shall ensure that each party or group shall be permitted to use (a) in the case of radio broadcasting, a total period not exceeding forty-five minutes which may be used on one occasion or on not more than three occasions and each such occasion shall not exceed fifteen minutes ; (b) in the case of television broadcasting, a total period not exceeding forty-five minutes which may be used on one occasion or on not more than three occasions and each such occasion shall not exceed fifteen minutes.