12. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to candidates?

Russian Federation

Russian Federation


Art. 71 - "10. The list of agencies, organizations and individuals who are not allowed to make donations to the election funds established by paragraph 6 of Article 58 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees".

Source: Articles 62 (7) and 71 (10), Federal Law on Elections of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2014

Art. 58 - "6. No donations to electoral funds of candidates, registered candidates, election associations to referendum funds shall be allowed from: ... g) bodies of state power, other state bodies and bodies of local self-government; h) state and municipal institutions, states and municipal unitary enterprises; i) legal entities in authorized (share) capital of which share (contribution) of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and (or) municipal formations exceeds 30 percent as of the day of the official publication of the decision to call elections, as of the day of commencement of referendum campaign (for open joint stock companies – as of the date of preparation of the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the annual general meeting for the previous financial year); j) organizations established by state and (or) local self-government bodies (except joint stock companies, established as the result of privatization);..."

Source: Federal law on “Basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum”, 2002

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